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Khan Academy Kids 

Providing a free and fun first-class education to anyone anywhere.

(Download Free App, Class Code: F9WB36)


National Geographic Kids 

Engaging curious minds and inspiring children to make sense of the world.  Explaining the facts in a straight forward way - and bringing the world to life in a fun and educational manner.

(No need for login or password)


Brain Pop Jr. 

Animated educational site for young children - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health and Technology.

(Login and Password coming soon)


Mystery Science

Open and Go Lessons that inspire kids to LOVE Science.

(Login:, Password: 178Oenoke) 

Reading, Science, Math, Art and Colors - Early Learning Academy.  Full online curriculum for young children.

(Login:, Password: 178OenokeRidge, locate student name)


Epic is a kids subscription based reading and learning platform.  It offers access books and videos for children 12 and under. 

(Class code: rpz0139, then locate student name)

Starfall - ABC's  

Children will delight as they see, hear and interact with letters and sounds in words, sentences and games.  Preschooler will learn to recognize letters while developing skills they need to become confident readers.

(No need for login or password) 

CT Learning Hub 

The CT Learning Hub is a free and interactive resource to support online and offline learning to CT families, students and educators:

Supporting Children and Families During COVID-19

Helping CT Families Cope; Getting your children to put on a mask, and keep them on:

Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards

Simple tips for adults to support early learning and development: 

First Presbyterian Church

For more information on joining the First Presbyterian Church of New Canaan please visit: 

FPNS will give priority placement to members of the church following siblings and legacy enrollment.  Please contact Director Joanne LaVista.

New Canaan Cares Parenting Seminars

Looking for helpful information? Details can be found on the New Canaan Cares website:

Read Aloud!

Want to understand more about the importance of reading aloud to your children?  Check out "The Art of Reading Aloud" by Jim Trelease:

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